

There is no doubt that regular meditation develops a sane perspective. It is more clearly seen that we are all on this bus together, interconnected and interdependent, and if we are going to survive and thrive we need to learn to take care of each other.

Out of this basic sanity arises a deep wisdom and love that expresses through skillful and compassionate action. This is not a belief but a truth that has been scientifically validated many times. Meditation has been researched over 2,000 times in over 500 universities around the world for the past 40 years. It has been shown that regular meditation enhances the joy of living, increases awareness and compassion, and gives an enhanced sense of the unity of all life.

Most people are deeply engaged in the on-going drama of their ‘me’ mind and never stop long enough to be still and see whether any of what they are thinking and believing is actually true. This clear seeing (heart wisdom) is an existential act of courage that ultimately brings down the imaginary walls that appear to separate us. This is true freedom. This is unconditional love for all beings everywhere.

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