All there is, is Being being free.

Being freely becomes entranced in the story of “me,”

or Being freely drops the story of “me.”

Being may freely become a Parsis, Muslim, atheist, scientist, prostitute, bus driver, born again Christian, terroist, narcissist, politician, yogin, liberated being or you.

Being may spend decades practicing spiritual disciplines and getting nowhere since there is nowhere to go, or Being may spontaneously wake up to realizing all there is, is Being.

Being freely believes in religion, spirituality, karma, reincarnation, enlightenment, NDEs, OOBEs, life after death, ETs, astral travel, golf, conspiracy theories, chess, Big Foot, Walt Disney, and always Being right and making other people wrong.

Being freely disparages religion, spirituality, karma, reincarnation, enlightenment, NDEs, OOBEs, life after death, ETs, astral travel, golf conspiracy theories, chess, Big Foot, Donald Duck, and always Being right and making other people wrong.

Being may get very sick and sadly die at an early age of 3 or Being may live to be a 116 year old yogic saint.

Being freely becomes confused, depressed and has existential despair.

Being is all inclusive. There is nothing outside of Being as Being has no outside or inside, no beginning and no end. Being is infinite. Seamless. And yet Being freely takes every apparent form and expression, being everything and everyone. Freely.

You are Being freely being you. Just as you are right now you are perfectly Being you. And you are doing an exemplary job! Gassho to you!

Some people get all nervous and twitchy when I write things like this and want to argue with me about it, making them right and “me,” wrong. And that is OK. I am really good at Being wrong.

So hopefully to help those Beings relax a little, it is useful to remember once again that all words are little conceptual prison cells and at best can only Be pointers to Being. The truth spoken is a lie.

And please remember –

You can’t Be Being wrong. And Being can’t Be you wrong. Being loves you and is you as you just the way you are!

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